Please Call 911 For All Emergencies

Billing Services

Harrison County Emergency Squad Billing office hours are 8:30AM – 4:30PM Monday through Friday.

NOTE: HCES physical billing offices are closed to the general public. HCES offices are closed on all state/federal observed holidays.

Harrison County Emergency Squad bills patients’ insurance such as private insurance, Medicare, Medicaid and workers compensation. However, if we are unable to obtain insurance information you may receive a bill. If you have a question about your bill or need to provide us with further information regarding your bill please contact us at the information provided.

We accept: credit cards, checks, and money order.

Make Checks or Money Orders payable to Harrison County Emergency Squad.

For Billing questions, please contact HCES billing in one of the following ways

Phone: 304-623-4295 | FAX: 304-623-3046

Please send all document requests, correspondence, information and/or payments to the following address:

Harrison County Emergency Squad, Inc.
Attn: Billing
660 Oakmound Road
Clarksburg, WV 26301

Request Patient Information
All requests for Patient Information is governed by the HIPAA Act of 1996. This piece of legislation protects patient’s Protected Health Information or PHI. If you or a patient’s legally appointed representative desires to inspect or amend this information, the patient or their legally appointed representative must submit a written request to our billing department. Click here if you wish to review our Protected Health Information Privacy Notice

In accordance with federal law, HCES has the right to refuse or deny access to your PHI under certain circumstances.

Pay Bill Or Donate Online!


Contact Us

5 + 5 =

660 Oakmound Road, Clarksburg, WV 26301

660 Oakmound Road, Clarksburg, WV 26301

Phone: 304.623.4295 (Dial 911 for Emergencies)